Mint Smoothie Refresher

Lady holding green smoothie

Smoothies are made by blending whole fruits and vegetables, making them fibre-rich and keeping you fuller for longer.

Serves 1

Calories per serving: 213

Prep time: 5 minutes

Cooking time: Nil


  • 250 ml unsweetened coconut water
  • 25 g spinach leaves
  • 1 lebanese cucumber, chopped
  • Fresh mint leaves (approx. 10 leaves)
  • ½ avocado, destoned and skin removed
  • ½ lime, juiced
  • Ice (optional)


    1. Place the ingredients into a high-powered blender and blitz until smooth.
    2. Serve in a tall glass. Enjoy!

TIP: ‎Make sure that your blender can handle crushing ice. If not, add the ice after blending.

Want to look at more low calorie, low carb Mediterranean style recipes you can do yourself? Find out more!

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If you’re having trouble falling and staying Fast Asleep, you may benefit from an evidence-based diet and lifestyle approach like The Fast 800 programme. Co-founded by Dr Michael Mosley, The Fast 800 online programme is designed to help members lose weight and regain their health with food, exercise and mindfulness guidance based on science. Poor-quality sleep is common among those who are overweight, and many of The Fast 800 online programme members report an improvement in their sleep and mood while following the programme. Learn more.

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